Maldiv Thai
és Gyógymasszázs Központ

Medical massage

This medical treatment focuses on a particular medical diagnosis.

The massage is a perfect non-pharmaceutical therapy for treating your pain, and scientific research also confirms that it has preventive effects. In addition to musculoskeletal disorders, the beneficial long-term healing effect of neural connections on internal organs has been discovered thousands of years ago. Moreover, it is used to help with the regenaration and metabolic processes, reduce pain sensation, stimulate the central neural system and oxygen supply. Medical massage helps with the following problems: back, waist and limb pain, muscle and joint problems, intervertebral disc problems, muscle cramps, tension and stress.

The treatment can reduce heart rate, lower blood pressure and increase blood circulation and lymph flow, improves range of motion and increases endorphins.

Massage helps release toxins from your soft tissues, so we recommend that you drink plenty of water after to flush toxins out of your system.

Optional period:

  • 30 min: 8.000 Ft
  • 60 min: 13.500 Ft
  • 90 min: 18.000 Ft
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